The organisation’s mission is to promote awareness, build the skills and experience of the disadvantaged young people in Africa and the Diaspora to effect positive social changes.
Objectives & Goals
The Foundation’s primary goal is to help the deprived youth of Africa to develop their fullest potentials, through increased access to education, especially in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Entrepreneurship, with a view to preparing them for meaningful participation in national development.
To this end, the AYF pursues the following objectives:
- Develop educational, job creation and employment measures which will open up new prospects for people in their home countries, spare them the hardships associated with migration and avoid the difficult problems of integration in the countries taking in migrants.
- Offer youth an opportunity for personal development through increased access to educational and vocational training.
- Help alleviate unemployment and poverty by encouraging young people to consider entrepreneurship as a career option, improve leadership skills and problem solving experiences, to encourage the transfer of learned skills into positive civic action in the countries of youth participants.
- Organise workshops and career counselling programmes that would help Africa’s youth to determine their individual vocational needs, and guide their choice of jobs and occupations.
- Initiate programmes that would enhance the community leadership and problem solving skills of the youth to heighten their sense of civic responsibility.